We’re proud of these nutritious ingredients. Great for your dog and sustainable!
Insect protein, Peas, Sorghum, Tapioca
starch, Canola protein, Food yeast, Lentils,
Cold-pressed canola oil, Chickpeas, Limestone, Calcium phosphate, Alfalfa, Sweet potato, Carrots, Yeast extract, Rooibos, Chicory fibre, Linseeds, Kelp, Chia seeds, Apples, Natural clay minerals, Organic acids, Butyrate and Botanical extracts (Chestnut, Capsicum, Oregano & Cinnamon), Taurine, Marine algae extract, and Approved Vitamins, Minerals and Antioxidants.
● NO Animal products
● NO synthetic colourants,
● NO flavorings or preservatives
● NO added sugar
Feeding Guide
Pup being a super good dogoo?
Give them a treat!
Treats are for intermitten or supplemental feeding.
Always have fresh Water for your Dog available.
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